
Hello Beautiful Soul,

Are your finances stressing you out? You have no idea how to get a good handle on them and how to make your money work for you. You’re in debt, your savings are collecting dust and your money mindset hasn’t had an uplift in years.

I totally get it. And I’m glad you’re here. 

It means you’re done with the stress, worry and overwhelm and ready to do something that works. You’re ready to finally make a change and step into the financial woman you were destined to become - you know, the one who has her money right and boldly goes after her dreams.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to finally have control over your financial life? To actually know where your money was going and be so connected and aligned to your financial goals that you achieve them with flow and ease? Imagine what it would be like to pursue your heart’s desires all while having a money plan that supports your wildest dreams.

Well, now is your time.

The Unblock Abundance coaching program gives you all the money and mindset tools you need to take charge of your finances and get more out of your money and your life.

In this money transformation program, we’ll explore your finances together and every part of your coaching will be customized to your specific needs. You will receive direct accountability plus the love and support from other financially-empowered women taking the same bold journey.

You are SO WORTHY of having the life of your dreams. You deserve to feel secure and in control. You have the power to take charge of your finances and enjoy all the abundance your heart desires.

You’ve got this. I’ve got you.


In Unblock Abundance™ (Self-Guided) you will learn my unique A.B.U.N.D.A.N.C.E. Attractor Framework, where you will:

  • Release limiting beliefs that block your abundance and bring more financial peace into your life
  • No longer live with overwhelm, confusion or shame around your finances
  • Create a brand new relationship with money and welcome in the abundance that’s waiting for you
  • Be in financial control with a money plan and budget that aligns with your future goals yet creates the balance to enjoy life in the present
  • Live a life where your money mindset and money management align so that you can manifest your life desires

I’ve taken hundreds of clients from financially avoidant, stressed-out and struggling to financially confident, wealthy and abundant! We trade 'not so cute' money habits for proven techniques that actually get results - fast. And that’s not even the best part... What I love MOST is seeing you truly own your worth and embody all the abundance that is already here for you now.

Financial hopelessness to manifesting thousands

This program completely saved me from a super dark spiral and hopelessness. I had no plan, no knowledge and super heavy money mindset blocks that kept me feeling stuck. In weeks, I noticed a MASSIVE shift. I started making more money in my business and manifested thousands of dollars out of no where. This is by far the best financial decision I have ever made.

- Timea Urban, Reiki Master, Energy Alignment Coach, Registered Nurse [www.theurbanhealer.ca]

Attracted dream home and no longer living with money anxiety & avoidance

When I first began Unblock Abundance I was intimidated to admit how little I knew about money, but I discovered so many other women who felt the same way. At the end of the second month of the program, I found my dream home and dream job…. Or rather, they found me! I look forward to my money dates and feel as though I have a much clearer picture of where my money is going and don’t feel the anxiety and avoidance I once did. This experience has transformed so much more than money. Thank you just doesn’t even begin to capture what Vanessa and Unblock Abundance has brought to my life and future!

- Nic

Change was immediate and beyond anything I imagined

This program was a truly transformational experience. I had all kinds of questions and hesitations before I started, but this course changed my life in the BEST WAY EVER. Change was immediate and beyond anything I could have imagined. One year ago, buying a property felt like an impossible dream. After working with Vanessa, this dream is now within reach!

- Joyanne Howell, Yogi & Social Impact Investor [www.joyofyoga.ca]

Begin your journey to abundance now...

Here Is What's Waiting For You When You Enroll...

  • 9 Modules of the A.B.U.N.D.A.N.C.E. Attractor Framework + 3 BONUS Modules. Each module builds upon the other so that you can easily create a new money mindset and build better money habits. The bonus modules ensure you also learn how to protect your money and assets through wills, estate planning and life insurance.

  • Money Mindset Coaching. Learn how to break through your limiting beliefs so that you can call in the abundance that is yours.

  • Done-For-You Financial Spreadsheets. Manage your money with ease using the budget, savings plan, debt repayment plan and monthly money date financial spreadsheets.

  • A Personalized Money Plan. That is just as unique as you. Follow my simple step-by-step process to create a Money Plan that is tailored to your financial goals and dreams.

  • Assignments and action steps. To help you create massive shifts and immediate results.

  • Lifetime access. To the program course site which includes 20+ video lessons, workbooks, worksheets, trackers, guides & more to keep you accountable and in flow.

  • PLUS+++ 12 Months of Coaching Support directly from me. This will include:
  • Live Quarterly Q&A Coaching Calls. These are designed to guide you through the program and answer ALL the questions you have so that you can instantly apply what you're learning to your personal life and goals.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the A.B.U.N.D.A.N.C.E. Attractor Framework:

A: Abundance Consciousness

Learn the foundations of creating an abundance consciousness by first understanding how your thoughts create your reality.

B: Blocks Be G.O.N.E.  

Find out how to identify your money blocks and then release them so you can transform your relationship with money and allow constant abundance to flow into your life.

U: Uplevel Your Mindset 

Learn higher level mindset and attractor principles to connect to your divine right for wealth and abundance.

N: New Money Rituals

Create sacred practices that will elevate your vibration and connect you with the infinite money and abundance that is yours.

D: Do Your Money Right

Start a fresh, new relationship with your money and learn how to put your money to work for you.

A: Aligned Spending 

Set yourself up for success with a spending plan and budget that is perfectly tailored to your unique goals and desires.

N: Neutralize & Eliminate Debt

Release the guilt and shame around your debt, understand the purpose debt has served in your life and create a plan to live debt-free.

C: Conscious Saving

Your dreams matter and it’s time to put a plan around them. Get clear on your savings goals and create a savings plan that allows these goals to become reality.

E: Elevate & Live Financially Empowered

Create your Intentional Money Plan that lets you take action with confidence. Learn how to follow your plan with ease and flow and see your financial dreams come to life.

... the stress and worry of financial struggles is no joke. I can remember how overwhelmed I was being in debt and making sloppy financial choices. I was making good money but I had no idea how to manage it and get myself unstuck. It was awful - I mean, I was a CPA working for major companies after all!

Getting my finances in order was THE BEST decision I made for my life. My mentor helped me to create a budget and that set me on a path of deep discovery about how abundance really works. When I finally learned that shifting my mindset was the key, everything changed. Once I mastered my money blocks, I traded in my condo for a basement apartment, cut back on the store-bought caffeine, and started saving aggressively. Within five years, I’d saved $100,000 and bought my first investment property. It was challenging, but so worth it in the end.

I created Unblock Abundance because I believe that abundance is your birthright! I want you to live out the bold, audacious dreams that you have for yourself and to know that you are so worthy of having it all! What lights me up most is seeing you step into your power, create a life you love and have all the money you need to do that. I’m here for it. And I’m here for you.


Confident with money for the first time in my life

I can honestly say that taking this course was life changing for me. Being able to see how little I was valuing myself through my beliefs about money was completely eye opening. I never thought I was "that bad" with money but I knew that I wasn't making as much as I wanted to and just thinking about money stressed me out. I now not only acknowledge my money situation but am in action to work the plan created in this course which is actually making me feel real confidence with money for the first time ever. 

- Danijela Gorley, Photographer & Artist [www.danijelagorley.com]

Paid off student debt and one credit card

Being debt free, and accumulating wealth was something I never saw for myself; it felt so far away and not for someone like me who experienced years of negative conditioning around money. But I developed clarity and understanding on what wasn’t working for me and why I was feeling stuck when it came to money. Now, I am someone who trusts her ability to attract, manage and cultivate a financially abundant life. I paid off my student debt and one credit card. My weekly money dates are a non negotiable, I'm excited to pay bills, to watch my savings build and relieved to know and decide where my money is going and when.

- Giustina, CEO Rooted and Wild Inc.

Saved $10K and manifest money weekly

I was operating out of scarcity, fear and doubt. I was avoiding my finances, planning and even setting goals. I wanted to learn how to manage and get out of debt, gain an understanding of my spending and to stop a habit of avoidance when it came to anything money/ finance related. By gaining that understanding I was able to save $10K towards a goal that is an investment in my dream life. I manifest money weekly, and am welcoming new sources of income. I had no idea the mindset and blocks I was carrying around with me, I now see with so much compassion, why I felt so stuck financially.

- Cait [@caitbrenchley]

It takes commitment, courage and willingness to release old habits and limiting beliefs. If any of these sound like you, this course may NOT be a good fit:

  • You want someone else to magically change your financial life and you aren’t ready to do the work yourself.
  • You only want to “see” if this will work but you’re not committed to creating lasting financial change.
  • You are not willing to make uncomfortable changes that may be necessary to elevate your mindset and increase your bank account.
  • You are happy where you are and don’t aspire to more.


Nope, that's not me.

I’m ready for more abundance!